Tools For Code Comprehension And Reverse Engineering

SNiFF+ provides the most advanced browsing features. Powerful filtering and visualization techniques work with the biggest projects with many thousands of files, tens of thousands of symbols and millions of lines of code. Information can be filtered by means of project boundaries, symbol types, regular expressions and other properties. No compilation is necessary to extract the symbolic information, so all views are updated as soon as changes to code are saved. The user interface in all the browsers has been specifically designed to ease browsing the vast amounts of information present in large projects. Semantic navigation enables developers to access the source code with a click of the mouse from any of the views.



The Symbol Browser provides a master index of all the information stored in the symbol table, SNiFF+'s central repository. It allows you to quickly navigate with a double click, and it provides filtering so you can find things quickly, without having to know line numbers or file names.


SNiFF+'s Symbol Browser can improve productivity, because developers can spend their time thinking about the problems they are solving, not where the files are. The Symbol Browser can also be an effective tool for code walkthroughs.

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